Psychodynamic Psychotherapist
I am a qualified and experienced Psychodynamic Psychotherapist and Counsellor. This means that I am interested in trying to understand current struggles in the context of the individual’s life, both past and present. Alongside my clients, I work creatively and collaboratively so that we may together try and understand their current struggles. I am able to offer both ongoing therapy or time-limited, goal focused psychotherapy. In addition to this, I am able to provide CBT interventions for both anxiety and depression.
I have been fortunate to work, for some years, for the leading mental health charity, Mind. During this time, I have worked with a wide variety of people. What never ceases to amaze me is the resilience of the human spirit ; with the right intervention and support, I believe it is possible to bring about positive change in life.
I also have experience of working with people in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse, who are keen to derive more meaning from their lives as they overcome addiction. Another area of interest is in working with people who have attended boarding school and understanding the impact of this experience on peoples’ development and ways of relating.
To contact me please click here or telephone me on 07771 484423.
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